Personal: Power of Kindness

Be Kind to Yourself and Others

Do We Have an Instinctive Urge to Be Kind?

In Vogue Australia June/July 2020 edition, the magazine spoke to Victoria Beckham and she delved into her personal values and shared with readers why empathy and kindness are so important to her growing up and raising her children. In recent months, Lady Gaga has also started a series of #BeKind activities to show how each and everyone of us can be kind, no matter how small the action may be.

Source: Lady Gaga Twitter

As I reflected upon the article and everything that is happening around the world today, it reminds me that kindness is even more important. The world continues to navigate through the uncertainty of the coronavirus, and some people we know may have sadly lost their loved ones to this horrendous deadly virus. The heartbreaking images of innocent civilians trying to flee Afghanistan has further cemented why compassion, empathy and kindness are needed more than ever. Everyday, I acknowledge everyone has their ongoing battles, be it at school, at work, at home and so on. I cannot deny that it is so heartbreaking that people in Afghanistan, young and old, men and women, are all desperate to stay alive. It is truly heartbreaking to see they have to battle to stay alive from both the Taliban and the deadly virus.

We can all learn to show kindness everyday through different magnitudes. If you are going out for a walk or run, smile and say hi to others in the neighbourhood. If you have made extra food at home, share it with your neighbours and friends. If you have old clothing pieces that you do not love anymore, donate them to charity to be sustainable and do some good. If you are financially able, donate it to charity, in particular organisations who are helping Afghanistan citizens such as Red Cross.

Personally, I have set up regular monthly donations with the Australian Literacy & Numeracy Foundation. Whilst the amount is not grand, I believe every small contribution can help to contribute towards a great cause which I am passionate about. I have also made a once-off donation to the Red Cross to support the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. On a day-to-day basis, I learned from my grandmother and mother to learn to share our food. I recently picked some strawberries from a local farm with friends, and I ended up sharing some of them with my neighbours and friends.

In closing, I will leave you with this quote by Victoria Beckham. As we all race towards to end of yet another year, let us all try to focus on the positive, be kind to yourself and everyone around you.

It always comes back to kindness: It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from, everybody can be kind. It doesn’t cost anything and makes you feel better as a person. It takes much extra energy to be negative.

Victoria Beckham

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