Throwback Thursday: 1000x

Recent Discover of a 5-Year-Old Single

VIDEO : Jarryd James ftg. Broods - 1000X - auspOp

I was recently completing a workout and during the cooldown session, the program has picked an interesting tune which has captured my attention. I did a quick search and found out the song is called 1000x by Jarryd James, an Australian artist. I have since been listening this 5-year-old single on repeat because it is so damn good!

I even tweeted it on my page and shared it on my Instagram page to help raise the profile of such a talented local artist. I can’t believe this single is 5 years old this year and a shame that the mainstream radio did not broadcast it enough. Click on the link in my tweet below to bring you to the song on the artist’s YouTube channel. Enjoy! x

Source: Leon Ha’s Twitter

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