Workout Wednesday: Hips Exercise

Give your hips some TLC

Adapted from Runner’s World Australia & New Zealand March 2019 edition

Running coach Amanda Nurse sahres her five favourite hip stretches for runners. You can do them after a run or even on a recovery day.

#1: Skating Squat

Stand with legs just wider than hip-width apart. Lower into a squat. Shift your weight to your right leg as you rise up to standing and extendyour left leg back, like you are on skates. Return to a squat and on repeat on the opposite leg. Alternate for 1 minute.

Strengthens glutes, lengthens hip flexors.

#2: Low-lunge Variation

Start in a low lunge with your right foot planted, right knee bent and your left knee on the floor. Place your palms flat on each side of your right goot. Lift your left arm above your head as you lean to the right. Hold for five breaths, then repeat on the opposite side.

Strengthens quads and hips, lengthens psoas.

#3: One-legged bridge lift and lower

Lie face up, knees bent. Lift your arms. Engage glutes to lift hips. Transfer weight to your right leg and extend your left leg for five breaths. Lower your leg, howver over the floor for five breaths, then lift back. Do eight reps, then repeat on the left leg.

Activates the glutes, and strengthens the hip flexors.

For more exercises, you can download a copy from the App Store on your iPad here.

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